Thursday, November 20, 2008

Antigone LRJ 1

Early this morning, Oedipus' traitorous son Polyneices was found buried under a mound of dirt. The day before, our lord Creon ordered no one to touch the body as punishment for the treasonous sins committed by the late prince. However, someone dared to defy him, and now the people of Thebes are wondering who.
"I hath seen it with mine own eye," one befuddled sentry told the Thebes Press, looking around nervously. "The body was covered in dust, protected from scavenging birds and beasts."
However, the sentry remained mute when inquired as to his opinions on the perpetrator.
Our lord Creon is investigating into the crime, though they would not officially release suspects' names. Many homes are being searched by Creon's agents to find Polyneices' sympathizers.
Polyneices, brother to the war hero Eteocles, turned on his birth city with an army at his back. The younger son Eteocles was murdered in the fighting, but not before his traitorous elder brother was killed. King Creon declared that he shall not be buried! Foolish indeed is the man who crosses the king.
Advice to the guilty one: Get out of Thebes!

1 comment:

Cecilia said...

Wow, that was great! You gave a very shocking tone to the piece as if a radio report was being interrupted with "BREAKING NEWS!"